The Role of a School Governor
Governors act as a critical friend to the Head Teacher and school:
Who can be a Governor?
The Governing Body is made up of Parents, Community and Staff Governors. Any parent of a child registered at Whitelands Park may run for election, make nominations and vote. If you would like to know more about this or are interested in becoming a Governor, please do not hesitate to contact the school office at or +44 (0)1635 862517.
Governors act collectively as the governing body, exercising their powers in a primary strategic leadership role; they do not get involved in the day-to-day running of the school. Governing body can establish committees but members are not governors unless they are also members of the Governing Body. Whitelands Park Primary School operates two committees that combined cover the work of the school and the responsibilities of the governors. They are:
As well as attending governing body meetings, governors are expected to be a member of at least one committee and to engage in appropriate governor and school activities. Governors also serve on various panels that decide on specific matters, such as grievance, complaints and staff appointments. The Governing Body generally meets four times a year and each committee once a term.
Appointing Governors
Governors are appointed in a number of different ways:
All governors, except the Headteacher, serve for a term of office of four years but can be reappointed.
Further Information
More detailed information on Whitelands Park Primary School's Local Governing Board, such as:
can be found on Kennet Schools Academies Trust page