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Whitelands Park Primary School Better never stops

Key information that will help you throughout Year Three

PE Sessions:


For all our PE sessions children will need to bring their full PE kit - blue/black shorts, white T-shirt and trainers (including tracksuits for colder days). Children with ear-rings will have to remove them or cover them with tape - to be provided by home.

Please ensure that children also have PE kit options for the colder weather (a jumper and tracksuit bottoms)


PE Session 1: Wednesday pm (Outdoors)

PE Session 2: Friday pm (Outdoors)




Homework will be set on a Thursday and will be due on the following Tuesday. 


It is important that you are giving your child the opportunity to read to you every day. Please record this in their planner. 


New spellings are set on a Friday and should to be practiced at home each night (including at the weekend) in preparation for a spellings test the following Friday. 


Don't forget to go on Times Tables Rock Stars! This is a great opportunity to challenge your Maths skills at home! 


Daily Reading

We are very excited about improving our reading and comprehension by reading every day both at home and at school.

Some of year 3 have started using a new program in school to help improve their reading comprehension. This program is called Accelerated Reader. Accelerated Reader helps teachers manage and monitor children’s independent reading practice. Students can choose a book that is perfect for their current reading level and then read it at their own pace. When finished, they take a short quiz on the computer. Passing the quiz is an indication that they have understood what they read.

Year 3 Reading Book List
