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Whitelands Park Primary School Better never stops

Important information for Reception

Waterproofs and Wellies

As we will be outside in all weathers, please could your child bring in a named pair of wellies and a waterproof coat. 



We will be starting PE after October half term. We will send home more information nearer the time. It is useful if your child has their PE kit at school now in case of accidents.



Your child will come home with a planner which you will need to check every day. We use the planners as a useful communication tool between school and home.



Please share the reading book in the planner with your child every day. It makes such a difference to their progress. Please sign the planner in the parents' column each time you hear your child read.


Attached to your child's planner you will find a letter fan, which has the sounds that your child is learning in school. Please help your child to say and read the sounds each day. When your child is able, you can put some of the letter sounds together to make CVC (Consonant Vowel Consonant) words, such as "pin", "mat", "dig" and "bus".  Encourage your child to say each sound and then try and blend the sounds together to read the word.



In Foundation and KS1 we follow the Read Write Inc Programme. The Read Write Inc. Phonics is a complete Literacy programme for 3 to 7 year-olds learning to read and write.



We use an online journal called Tapestry to document your child's learning in Foundation. 

All parents can access this. Please speak to a member of Foundation staff if you need a log in.


We would love to see any learning that your child has been doing at home. Baking cakes, going on a walk, painting a picture or any other interest things that they have been doing...please attach a photo to your child's Tapestry account for us to see.
