Whitelands Park offers a Breakfast & After School Club facility, providing a safe, happy, positive and welcoming setting that promotes a cultural and social diversity in a “home-from-home” environment. Attending children have the freedom to choose the games they wish to play, individually or collectively and optional activities are available also.
Both clubs are Ofsted Registered and are run by qualified staff, with a minimum staff ratio of 1:8, with a minimum of two staff on duty at any one time.
Breakfast Club
The Breakfast Club runs from 8am to 8:45am (school starts) and children are taken to their respective classrooms by the staff unless parents have opted for them to go independently (written permission must be given). A nutritious breakfast is also provided. The cost is £3 a session.
After School Club
The After School Club runs from 3:15pm to 6pm (Monday to Thursday). Children can be collected from their classrooms if requested. A healthy snack is also provided. The costs are:
For both Clubs:
Telephone: 01635 862517
Staff Members & Qualifications:
Sickness, Accidents, First Aid & Emergencies
If a child is absent from school, the Play Leader will be informed. If a child becomes unwell during a club session, every attempt will be made to contact the parent / carer or one of the emergency contacts to arrange collection. Your child will be cared for until collection.
In case of a minor accident, our qualified staff will administer First Aid. In case of an accident requiring more than basic First Aid, every attempt will be made to contact the parent / carer to advise or discuss the course of action to be taken. Please note: If the parent / carer cannot be contacted in time, the Play Leader will seek appropriate medical treatment for the child.
All accidents are entered in the Accident / Incident Register Book and an accident form will be sent home with the child.